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Student, Politician and Buisiness Man

You You is not just any student, he's a super student. In his second year of university he already owns and runs an investment company in the states valued at around $5,000,000. Not to mention as president of Kent's model UN society, the society has grown from one of the smallest to the biggest society on campus and competes nationally and at the same level as the Cambridge and Oxford teams. And that's all alongside a degree in International Relations.

As a result You You is almost a living legend and a name that everyone at the University of Kent can recognise. He has even appeared on BBC radio to discuss the rise of Republican Candidate Donald Trump.

This fame (or infamy) reached new levels during the 2016 campaing for Student Union President when You You released his 8500 word manifesto, as he became the most popular trend on Yik Yak, not on campus but in the whole of Canterbury. A series of political stunts and run-ins with Kent Union have made him a subject of discussion that caught the eye of The Tab Kent.

Who is You You Xue?

Student politics is dull and often viewed as a token gesture of democracy to students. This year at the University of Kent there was a different kind of candidate, You You Xue. He pulled no punches when it came to decrying the ineptitude of other candidates and regularly lambasted the student union for corruption, becoming one of the most maverick and anti-establishment candidates running and a local celebrity in his own right. And he almost won. Is this the new face of student politics?








What do you do in your spare time?

Big Name on Campus


Do you drink bottled water or tap water?

What kind of music do you listen to?

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How does a student run a business?